Product Description
SCIENTIFIC NAME: (Testudo hermanni)
DESCRIPTION: We have 4" Hermann's Tortoises. These are all eating well on Mazuri Tortoise Diet and mixed leafy greens. Hermann's Tortoises don't get very large and are a very hardy species. They are captive bred.
DIET: Mazuri Tortoise Diet, natural grasses, dark, leafy greens, brightly colored flowers, veggies, and fruits.
HABITAT: Large container, pen, or child's wading pool. Temperature of 75F - 85F with basking area of 90F. Unfiltered sunlight or UV bulbs during the daytime, with shaded area to escape bright, hot light. Cypress mulch or coconut fiber for substrate. Water bowl for occasional soaking.
ORIGIN: Southern and eastern Europe
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Herman Tortoise
I got my Herman tortoise in the mail and it is the healthiest sweetest thing. It was well taken care of and came with a great price. My tortoise is about 4 inches and is very social!